My three year old daughter Cassey is a certified music lover. She has developed the love for music from her early years, and I could tell it by the way she appreciates it whenever she hears music playing, and she reacts and dance to it however way she can. Ever since, she has sort of developed her own playlist of n songs, from “Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars” to Incy Weency Spider.”
She used to sing just a portion of her favorite nursery rhymes, sometimes substituting some of the words. Eventually she can sing the entire lyrics of the song and can even bring movements along with it. As her mommy teacher I help her practice this skill by encouraging her to listen to different types of music.
At times, I tap or clap to the beat of her favorite songs, and encourage my daughter to copy me. We also practice “copy dancing” by imitating simple dance moves and beats via the internet. It teaches her to do slow and fast dance movement to the tune of our music.
We often sing or listen to the music in the car or over the phone. I keep all her musical toys in one place, and make sure she gets acquainted with every musical instrument she encounters. I got her, her very own ukulele, and found out she really has a knack for it. There are musical friendly stores that sells all sorts of musical instruments both for amateurs and professionals, it’s every Musicians friend.
Every once in a while we take our daughter to see a live musical performance or theatre play. It exposes her to rhythmic movements and coordination, aside from singing and acting. This helps and encourage her to love music even more.