One part of motherhood that I enjoy the most is dressing up my daughter in cute outfits. Guilty as charged, my ‘fashion frustration’ sparked to a whole new level after giving birth to her and it’s no secret how I instantly turned my daughter into my own living doll.
My daughter, Cassey, on the other hand, doesn’t put a fuss, even when i sometimes end up changing her dress 3 times. Well, I think she’s pretty used to it. Believe me, it gets crazier as babies turn to toddlers!
Eventually, I noticed that she is beginning to really enjoy dressing-up (like a little fashionista, for that matter), and starting to experiment on fancy accessories too. She would sit on my lap when I’m browsing timeless pieces of clothings on the net, she would try on whatever hair accessories she finds lying around on top of our dresser, and would tell me from time to time when she wanted to wear a tutu.. So, just imagine when she starts to really learn how to talk (yes, she is only turning 2 this July and is only a one-worder).
I used to be my mom’s own little doll too. I remember how she would buy pretty dresses for me and sometimes make them. I remember how nice it felt being admired about how well I dressed-up and carry myself at a young age. But it was not all ups, there were down times too as I was growing up.. I wore plenty of funny outfits too (blouses with huge football paddings, remember?) but through it all, i found my own style and eventually became my daughter’s personal stylist.. Haha!
I find challenge in dressing up my baby, considering that I am the type of mom who would not really splurge on shopping just for an impulsive instagram shoot. I am still that frugal young lady that turned into a more frugal mom at that.
Kids grow up very fast, and for me, particularly, it is not practical to buy everything I see that tickles my fancy. So I make use of whatever I get, whatever there is in my baby’s closet, to make her look her best. Luckily, she’s got the best dad, lolos and lolas, titos and titas to spoil her with all those cute outfits and accessories. And it really is such a blessing!
I usually find fashion inspirations from instagram and pinterest, and remix my daughter’s existing outfits to the new ones to create a trendier or a more classy look, sometimes depending on our mood.
Here’s some of my favorite looks of my darling daughter, Cassey Hunter:

More of Cassey Hunter’s pictorials at her Instagram account, yes i just made one for her. Check it out and follow her IG @casseygotstyle
At the end of the day, I try to instill in my daughter, at her young age, what is most important in her overall look. That we don’t exist merely to be pretty faces, that while we take care of our overall outside appearance we also have to dress-up our souls. So far, i see an image of gentleness in my daughter’s eyes hopefully it stays that way.
I know time will come when I eventually have to give her room to find the style of her own.. But for now, baby, let mommy enjoy that privilege of dressing-up her little shining star. #jnv
8 Responses
Your daughter is so cute! Any outfit looks good on her. I guess you’re right, time will come when she’ll have her own style when it comes to the clothes she will wear. So enjoy dressing her up while you can. 🙂
Thank you, Vance 🙂
I love her hawaiian luau look the best! Ang awesome ng purple grass skirt! 🙂 I wish to have a daughter someday. Parang mas maraming pwedeng ibihis sa kanila kesa boys. 🙂
Cute Minion and Snow White outfits!
It’s fun to dress up girls because there’s so much variety in clothing for kids. I miss dressing up my daughter. She’s a teen now so of course she picks her clothes.
Awww what a pretty little girl! When my boy was 1-2, I had the energy to dress him up the best way I can. But now, he knows how to choose the comfy ones na. Boys!
its so difficult to choose a favorite, theyre all so cute! anyway, advanced happy bday to your little one 🙂
thank you ladies:)