5 Practical Tips for Cleaning Up After the Holidays

I finally got my feet up! (APPLAUSE!) 

If you are still in a holiday coma by the time you read this, time check, week 2 of the new year, it’s about time you tackle and embrace the fact that someone’s gotta grab those boxes and put away the Christmas tree and decors. Easier said than done. Hehe! Dreading the post holiday chores is just normal but after weeks of finally being able to relax (hopefully), cleaning-up is the a best way to start a clean new year slate. Maybe this article might help. 
Strip that tree down.
Get some used boxes or betteryet a plastic box to use for ornaments storage. Hopefully you have kept the tree box, if not (like me), find a big container or plastic bag to haul the tree out and tie it back to the storage room, for use next year. If it’s an old tree maybe it’s time to send it to e recycling center.  


Re-organize your living room cabinets.
Those huge TV cabinets that doubles as storage of whatever, or worse, some sort of a trash bin to some of your guests, haha! Time to put away those tiny trinkets and eyesores that makes your TV cabinet look cluttered. 

Before: Spell C-L-U-T-T-E-R-S
After: Less is More, indeed

De-clutter your countertops. The holiday festivities will definitely bring extra traffic to your kitchen that can leave your countertops dirty and disorganized. Get rid of the kitchen utensils and appliance that you only use during the entertaining seasons through proper storage. Be sure to wash each of them, dry and wipe-out with clean kitchen towels, then store it in an orderly manner inside your cabinets. 

Maximize Cabinet spaces by installing Organizers and Racks
 Check out some great storage ideas, cabinet organizers and drawer slide at ovis.

Be innovative and resourceful.
Expect that you will have to free-up some space in your closet after the holidays. For clothings that you cannot simply just toss out, find a place to store them, without them getting spoiled or soiled. For example, I put my winter clothes and jackets inside my throw pillow cases, that way it serves a double purpose, plus no molds and mildew smell when it’s time to use it again. Just make sure you put it in a place where there will be no coffee spillings or the likes. 
You’ll think they’re just ordinary pillows…
dual purpose pillows and storage for clothes

Share your blessings. If you don’t have enough cabinets or storage room, or a space in your house to buy a new one for that matter, maybe it’s about time you donate some of your extras. Trying to find room for everything maybe exhausting especially if you don’t own a big mansion. The holidays usually brings too much blessings in every home, so I guess depending on the condition of each item that you’d like to give away, every new item that you receive, get rid of two items you no longer use. 

Example: In anticipations of new toys, we donated some of her old ones in a toy drive last December. 
Take these tips for a clean and organized new year! Or betteryet do share your organizing tips below. #jnv

36 Responses

  1. We don’t have holidays here in the desert, but I’m on my general cleaning week. I badly want to clean up the house. 🙂 Haha great tips you’ve got here. The jacket trick looks cool.

    1. Oh wow! Where are you from exactly if I may ask? ‘No holidays’ can either be a good thing or a bad thing for some, but I’m pretty sure having a Filipino blood, you’re missing out on some of our celebrations too.. Maybe that’s why we all love going home to our motherland.

  2. Haha. I super like the idea of storing your clothes inside a throw pillowcase. Perhaps I should donate my throw pillows and just stock my cases with curtains! They are just so plenty I dont know where to put them.

  3. We don’t really need to clean up a lot after the holidays because we minimize our decorations. But we do need to declutter some of our old stuff already. If only I have the time!

  4. I like the last part, sharing 🙂 After holiday season is my time to de-clutter. I’m still halfway thru my cleaning since my kids’ toys are always getting in the way and I hope I can finish everything before the month ends. Thanks for sharing your tips 🙂

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