Cookie Gone Vegan

vegetarian cookie

Vegetarian Cookies help lose weight the healthy way. It’s been tried and tested. Cookies have been known as one of the top food sources leading to obesity in children (adults as well) because of its too much sugar component. But here’s one that is really healthy, it doesn’t use processed sugar, rather the all natural sweetness that bananas give.

To help interest my baby in healthy eating, I introduced her to this recipe that I learned from a vegetarian friend. It’s a delicious snack that is so good because it uses banana only in lieu of the starchy flour, uses fiber rich oats as binder, plus raisins which is another source of fiber. What’s most important about this recipe is that it uses all-natural sugar and flavor coming from fresh banana.

It is also quick and very easy to make, and can be made using even a regular oven toaster.

Vegetarian Cookie

(Makes 9 cookies)


1 large banana
11/2 cup oats (you may use banana flavored oats for more sweetness and flavor)
a handful of raisins (size depends on how much you like raisins on your cookie)
baking soda

In a bowl, mash the banana.
vegetarian cookie
Add oats (depending on the size of the banana, you may add a lil bit more) and mix well.

Add rasins (nuts or choco chip if you prefer) and a dash of baking soda, until mixture resembles coarse crumbs.
vegetarian cookie
Drop by tablespoonfuls onto butter-greased baking sheets.
Add a dash of salt.
vegetarian cookie
Bake at 375° for 10-12 minutes or until golden brown.
Cool on wire racks. Enjoy!
vegetarian cookie

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